Costa Rica - June 29-July 6

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

On the road again

Headed to see some of my distant relatives at the sloth sanctuary. Riding on the bus with my friends from NJ, NM and SC. Our tour guide Jorge is talking to us about bananas. Did you know that a banana plant has to be cut down before in can grow another bunch? Go bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

On our way to Costa Rica

In the airport!

Our First Day of Travel

Waiting for the plane...

and waiting some more...

Just arrived and waiting to take off! These are our new friends from NM! They are charter too!

Our first dinner. Yummy!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Arrived Safely!

Greetings from San Jose!

Despite a brief delay at Miami airport and some lost luggage, we´ve arrived safely in San Jose and are psyched for the adventure that lies ahead. Right now, everyone´s snug in their hotel rooms and happy because they get to room with familiar faces tonight. (That`ll change tomorrow!)

5 am wake up call and then we´re off at 7 to see some sloths and play in the rainforest! We`ll be on the Caribbean coast staying in Limon.

Hope all is well state-side!

Ms. A

We've here!

We have successfully arrived in Costa Rica! With a long day of traveling behind us, we get right to it as we prepare to wake up tomorrow at 5 am to head to the rainforest! We can't wait!!

Here are some photos from our "slight delay" in the airport!

Hola from Costa Rica

Hola from Costa Rica! My BBF Meredith and I just arrived here in Costa Rica and we are already hanging out in our hotel. I must say, I wasn't sure what to expect when I arrived. I am normally I pretty independent sloth and use to doing things on my own. Boy was I surprised when I got off the plane and through customs!
We were greeted by a nice gentleman from Discovery Student Adventures who instructed us to get our luggage off of carousel #2 and exit to the right. We didn't get more than 30 feet until we saw another Discovery Student Adventures Travel Manager who instructed us to meet two other Travel Managers, Jorge and Jorge, outside the doors. Boy, with all the attention I kinda felt like a celebrity.

Jorge, #1, escorted us by private bus to our hotel. Now Meredith and I are hanging out and enjoying our box dinner provided by the hotel staff and having fun playing with all the free toiletry goodies.

Night, night!

At the Airport

Charleston airport photo op! A big shout out from Charleston travelers to our fellow DSAers! We'll see you in a few hours.

Headed to Costa Rica, Baby! Left the Spokane Airport at 6:15 AM dressed in my Discovery Student Adventures t-shirt and carrying my backpack. Now I am sitting here in Salt Lake responding to a few emails and enjoying what could be my last grande Starbucks latte in seven days! Somehow, I think I'll manage to survive. I've attached a pic of my new awesome shoes. I'm all caffeined up and ready for the rainforest!

Waiting for our connecting flight to Costa Rica

Hello everyone!!!
Our flight from CT was a success and we are currently enjoying the pool in Miami as we wait for our connecting flight to COSTA RICA!!

We are already having an awesome already!! :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Getting Ready for Costa Rica


It's us from the Mellow Mushroom in South Carolina. This is a first and last dinner: Our first dinner as a group and our last dinner together before we depart on Tuesday!

We're amped and ready to go!

Meet you in Miami!

Ms. A

Friday, June 25, 2010

Packing for the Adventure

It's time to start packing! I can't wait until the flight on Tuesday; and i've been thinking about what I need to be prepared for a week in Costa Rica. Here's my list so far:
  • Reef Sandals
  • Hiking Shoes
  • Lots of Socks
  • Several pairs of shorts, especially quick drying nylon
  • Sports swimsuit
  • Convertible pants
  • Waterproof Jacket
  • Baseball cap
  • Mesh bag for wet clothes
  • Money belt
  • Water bottle
  • Mp3 player
  • Sunglasses
  • Toiletries

What else?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

WISE words of advise from Costa Rica

The students from Amarillo, New Orleans, and DC had some words of advise...

DON'T leave home withOUT
Madison...dry-fit clothes
Alan...spending money & a way to call your mom to deposit MORE money!
Joe...more than one pair of shoes
Nathaniel...extra socks

Brenda...pants, NOT jeans, to wear through the rainforest
Desiree...pepto chewables detergent
Alex-the Driver...OLD shoes, they will get EXTRA muddy & EXTRA wet!
Danny-OUR AWESOME Travel Manager...your best dance moves, with your Idol voice (poonchi, poonchi, poonchi)
Ms. G **especially for the teachers... everything that your wonderful students will FORGET...
Alix (me)...a flashlight!

and the WHOLE GROUP says..."bring your appetite for BEANS & RICE!"

From our new found love, Costa Rica....Pura Vida!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

First Follow Me Contest Winner Announced

Congratulations to Madison M.! She is our Follow Me Contest winner for our June 8th trip to Costa Rica. Way to go, Madison! Students, you too can earn a chance to win a free iPod Touch. Just get as many people as you can to register to follow your blog by directing them to Let them know what dates you are traveling and ask them to register to follow you on your adventures this summer. Good luck!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sal the Sloth!

Welcome, Sal the Sloth! Sal will be joining us on our trip to Costa Rica at the end of the month. Sal is very friendly, and although he looks lethargic and shy, looks can be deceiving. Sal is a sucker for fast-pace adventure like zip lining and repelling down waterfalls. Sal also likes visiting his extended family at the sloth sanctuary.
Some of Sal's SECRET favs:
Candy- especially Starbursts and Junior Mints
American Idol and Ryan Seacrest
Twilight- Team Jacob!
Sweet-talking flight attendants into getting extra pretzels

Get Ready!

Get ready to meet the newest traveler on the June 29th trip to Costa Rica! He is a native to Costa Rica and enjoys spending time with his friends in the rainforest.

Programs Details

Duration 8 days
When June 29 - July 6, 2010
Focus Ecology/Conservation