Costa Rica - June 29-July 6

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hola from Costa Rica

Hola from Costa Rica! My BBF Meredith and I just arrived here in Costa Rica and we are already hanging out in our hotel. I must say, I wasn't sure what to expect when I arrived. I am normally I pretty independent sloth and use to doing things on my own. Boy was I surprised when I got off the plane and through customs!
We were greeted by a nice gentleman from Discovery Student Adventures who instructed us to get our luggage off of carousel #2 and exit to the right. We didn't get more than 30 feet until we saw another Discovery Student Adventures Travel Manager who instructed us to meet two other Travel Managers, Jorge and Jorge, outside the doors. Boy, with all the attention I kinda felt like a celebrity.

Jorge, #1, escorted us by private bus to our hotel. Now Meredith and I are hanging out and enjoying our box dinner provided by the hotel staff and having fun playing with all the free toiletry goodies.

Night, night!


  1. Love you shower cap, Sal. Better keep it handy ... I hear you may have a little rain. Don't let your fellow Discovery travelers slow you down! You're going to have a fantastic time!!

  2. Looks like you are eating healthy - you will need it for the treking you will be doing!!

  3. Sal you're looking good and eating right too! make sure to keep that lanyard on... at all times! we'll be watching you state-side


Programs Details

Duration 8 days
When June 29 - July 6, 2010
Focus Ecology/Conservation