Costa Rica - June 29-July 6

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


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Monday, July 5, 2010

Photos from our trip!

July 5th--day 7 of travel

The trip is coming to an end and we are sad to say goodbye to Costa Rica. Today's adventure may have been the best yet (for some). We rappelled down a 165 ft waterfall this morning! Amazing!

Tonight we are lodging at the Country Inn and Suites and are going to bed early because we've to be up at 3:15 to prepare for our journey home.

July 5 - Our Last Day of Adventures in Costa Rica

Before I talk about today, I want to let you all know about our trip to the Hot Springs. A hot spring is like a natural jacuzzi, containing water heated by a volcano. We went to the hot springs last night at 6 to experience relaxation at its finest. There were 4 different springs with all different temperatures. It was breathtaking scenery, but it was super hot so the pictures are a little steamy! The springs are the natural river water of the area which proves how amazing our earth really is.

Today was our last day of adventures before we head back to the US! In the morning, we checked out of the most BEAUTIFUL hotel I've ever been to... ( I'm already planning to go back, right Lynn and Mary?). We headed to do our waterfall rappel adventure. The PureTrek Canyoning company drove us to the top of the mountain in "4x4" vehicles. We expected ATV type vehicles, but had a good chuckle when we saw that the 4x4 was actually a pick-up truck with some benches in the back! We drove us the bumpiest road I've ever seen to the top of a 165 foot high waterfall... and we all rappelled down! It was so awesome! There was a series of 5 rappells, 4 of which got you soaked underneath a waterfall. :) Some soggy clothes are now packed in our suitcases for the ride home tomorrow!

We are back in San Jose and will leave at 4:15 tomorrow for our journey home. Our experiences in Costa Rica have been unforgettable and I am sure that the kids and I will be forever changed. We have met some amazing friends, witnessed gorgeous views, and experienced adventures like never before. As the local people of Costa Rica would say, PURA VIDA!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cows and Hot Springs - Great 4th of July!

I can't believe we only have one day left! The week has gone by in a whirl, full of amazing activities and awesome learning opportunities. Costa Rica will always be in my heart. Today we got a first hand experience of cheese making, from the cow to the final product. Also got up close and personal to a ginormous iguana; it was like a large iguana family reunion in a tree next to a shop along the road. We finished the day swimming in hot springs not far from our hotel; Loma de Volcane. It's been yet another fabulous day with Discovery Student Adventures. The teachers and travel guides have been amazing!

July 4th--Day 6 of Travel

Today! What a day!
First, we had an amazing breakfast at the Lomas del Volcan--made to order omelets are yummy! Next, we set off to visit a local farming community in rural Costa Rica where a small community of farmers raise dairy cows for milk and cheese. We got to milk the cows!!! I double-timed the udder and it was hard work! The farmers taught us how to feed the cattle--Alexi and Jessika fed the grass stalks through the machine. The ground grass is missed with a bit of corn and some sweet sticky concoction close to mollasses and honey. While they eat, we milk.

After we milked the cows, we walked over to the cheese production room and watched the farmers make cheese. They showed us the whole production--when making soft cheese, it can take less than a day! The wives and relatives of the farmers made us a snack of cheese and fresh corn tortillas. They were so inviting and proud to show us their work.

I bet you can't believe that we can pack so much into a day! Because after milking and making cheese, we visited a small pineapple plantation. But we didn't take the 20 minute hike to the plantation. Carlos, the owner, gave us a ride on his blue truck! You should have seen it! We were hanging off the sides like monkeys! Pineapples are an interesting plant. Originally from Brazil, the pineapple was made famous by the Queen of Spain around 1492; well, Columbus brought the plant back to Spain after this year. Anyway, the plant produces one pineapple within 14 months. But Carlos raises his pineapples in one year. An average worker on Carlos' farm can plant 10,000 pineapples a day! Back breaking work! Carlos then demonstrated how to plant a pineapple and a few of us got to try. It's easy, but not that easy! You've got to make sure your hole is deep but not too wide and also make sure you plant the pineapple solidly in the dirt, lest the rain wash it away!

And after another ride on the back of Carlos' truck we were on our way to hike through the forest to a beautiful waterfall part of the national park service here. The hike was good. We saw a Poison Dart frog along the way AND a Toucan! We swam for a bit, just long enough to cool off before we got sweaty again on the hike back. Lunch was provided by two ladies and we ate in the local school's cafeteria--way different from American school lunch rooms; this one was windowless and had an open kitchen. Oh, if we could only watch our school cooks in action!

With our bellies full we were back on the bus to cross over Iguana Bridge. At the shop everyone got some ice cream and took a quick break to check out the lizards.

I'm so sorry this trip is coming to an end! We love it here!

Ms. A

Programs Details

Duration 8 days
When June 29 - July 6, 2010
Focus Ecology/Conservation