Costa Rica - June 29-July 6

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hi, Mom!

Oh, man! It's been a while since I've been online...sorry, Mom! I've been so busy with all my activities and making new friends that I seem to forget to sit down and tell the rest of the Sloth clan what I have been up to recently. Well, I visited my second cousin, once removed, Buttercup the Sloth. She is very nice and promises to visit the family reuion next May.

Next there was our beachside hotel in Limon and making chocolate with the Bribri tribe. This morning we got up and went kayaking in the ocean, then snorkeling and finally a bike ride. Just as we got back to the lodge for lunch it started to rain cats and dogs! Good thing we had some amazing coffee with lunch as well as the yummiest sweet milk cake for dessert!

We are now at the Tirimbina Rainforest Reserve and Lodge. I just finished a nighttime nature walk with my new friends from Ms. A's class. Oh, my goodness! It was the coolest and creepiest thing ever! We saw bugs and lizards and ants...oh, my!

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Programs Details

Duration 8 days
When June 29 - July 6, 2010
Focus Ecology/Conservation