Costa Rica - June 29-July 6

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pineapple Plantation & Hike to the Waterfall - July 4, 2010

Last night was our first night at the Lomas del Volcan resort. Our cabins sit at the foot of the Arenal volcano. We watched the volcano erupt and saw the lava through the darkness. It was unreal! This is a hotel I truly will never forget. Here's a picture of it erupting this morning, too!

This morning, we went to a local farm and helped out in the cheese-making process. We all got to milk the cows ourselves! Later, we went for a hike to a local waterfall. It was like a hidden paradise! On our way, we tasted a plant that indigineous people used to use for a natural anistetic. It made out tongues numb! We also saw a tarantula, a poison dart frog, hummingbird, turkey vulture, and different types of fungi.

After our hike, we went to a pineapple plantation and learned about the harvesting process of this delicious fruit! We (of course!) got to try some straight from the plantation! It was so sweet! We also learned that when we go to the store, we shouldn't pick out the yellow pineapples because those have already started to ferment. Go for a green pineapple that is hard with leaves that are still strong. Those will taste the best!

Tonight, we will experience natural hot springs! Look for my next post!! :) -Amy


  1. Hello Amy great job on keeping us posted. The pictures are GREAT. Kiki now when we go to the store you'll be in charge of picking the pineapple.
    Love Mommy

  2. OMG!! You all look like you are having such fun! I hope you are all journaling tons so we can hear and read about EVERYTHING!!!! You are all having the BEST 4th of July EVER! Please keep those pictures coming :)
    Zach's mom

  3. Love the pics - the volcano is amazing! Hope you enjoyed the hot springs!


Programs Details

Duration 8 days
When June 29 - July 6, 2010
Focus Ecology/Conservation